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Lyme Disease Care in Waterloo

Couple biking through grassIn recent years, there have been more and more people concerned about Lyme disease. Some suspect they have it but are unsure and don’t know where to turn. If you would like to learn more, start at KW Health Connection. We’ll order the necessary testing and use our variety of solutions to help you. If you do have Lyme disease, we can prescribe the right options to help you feel better.

What Is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium that is called borrelia burgdorferi. There are over 20 species in this bacteria family, though not all are human pathogens. In the United States, almost all reported cases of Lyme disease appear to be the result of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (Bbss) infections. In Europe, there are three other species:, B. garinii, B. afzelii and Bbss, that are responsible for the majority of cases of Lyme disease. There are hundreds of strains that these species can be further divided into.

According to The Centers for Disease Control, there are more than 300,000 cases of Lyme disease in the U.S. each year.

The Symptoms of Lyme Disease

In the early stages of the disease, there are signs such as

  • Rash
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

In the later stages of Lyme disease, the symptoms include

  • Arthritis pain
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Fatigue
  • Heart problems
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Psychiatric symptoms
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Vision and hearing problems

The most common way to get Lyme disease is from the bite of a black-legged tick that is infected with Lyme disease. There is one type of black-legged tick in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, ixodes scapularis. In the West, it is ixodes pacificus. In addition to Lyme, these ticks also transmit the bacteria Borellia miyamotoi and Borrelia mayonii, which cause illness similar to Lyme disease.

The black-legged ticks that transmit Lyme can be as small as a poppy seed or as large as a sesame seed. They can carry additional infectious bacteria such as ehrlichia, anaplasma, babesia, and possibly bartonella.

Dr. Erika has completed courses with ILADs, which is the international organization dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme. She is listed as one of their LLNDs and is qualified to assist you with the right treatment. With an eclectic approach, you and Dr. Erika will work together to find the options that are best for you, which may include lifestyle herbal treatments or being referred to another practitioner, if that is what you require.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m worried about Lyme. What should I discuss with my doctor?

See your doctor to talk about where you live, your activities and travel, which will give an idea of your risk level. If you’ve had symptoms of Lyme disease, be sure to bring them up. If you have recently been bitten, a preventative antibiotic treatment may be beneficial. If you keep the tick that bit you, there can be testing that will reveal whether it was infected with Lyme disease.

Are there certain areas of the world you’re more likely to get Lyme disease?

You can get it anywhere in the world. The ticks that carry Lyme disease are found in tall grass, brushy or wooded areas and may be in rural areas or cities.

How do I know if I have Lyme disease?

The only way to determine whether you have Lyme disease is through a clinical diagnosis. You must have a medical professional that examines you and does the right testing to determine if you have Lyme disease. There is no single factor that is enough to determine if you have it.

What is chronic Lyme disease?

Chronic Lyme disease is a long-standing, active form of infection from any bacteria belonging to the family of Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacteria has survived despite antibiotic therapy. If a patient has a chronic form of Lyme disease, they require more carefully directed and targeted care.

I’ve heard a lot of controversy about Lyme disease. Why is that?

Lyme disease can produce a wide range of symptoms, making it difficult to tell whether a person has it. Since it can spread throughout the body, it is challenging to diagnose and treat it. It can be found anywhere in the world, but the infection may emerge in an area where people and medical providers are unfamiliar with the signs.

Furthermore, there is much disagreement on the best way to treat Lyme disease and how long treatment should continue. The laboratory testing has been marked by past problems with reliability and accuracy, making some unsure about their diagnosis or lack thereof.

Call Now

If you have concerns about your health, we are here to assist you. Contact our team now to discuss treatment for Lyme disease Waterloo!


Lyme Disease Care Waterloo ON | (519) 576-2222